Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine

Official journal of the Japanese Society Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (JPFSM) is a free access journal that publishes peer-reviewed original papers (regular articles), short communications, case reports, study protocols, reviews, short reviews, letters to the editor and proceedings, based on the principles and theories of modern physical fitness and sports medicine.

While JPFSM is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, it serves an ever-growing role in contributing to and supporting the physical fitness and sports medicine community, especially in Asia. And its strict process in obtaining results and findings are ethically sound.

JPFSM’s scope includes physical fitness, sports medicine, exercise physiology and metabolism, muscle biology, biomechanics, bone homeostasis, training sciences, aging and stress responses, health sciences, circadian biology, rehabilitation, and other interdisciplinary sciences.

Open Access Policy

The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine is an open access journal incorporating the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. All articles are distributed under the terms of the latest version of CC BY-NC-ND, which allows others to download the material and share it with others (either as a whole or in part) without permission as long as the original source is properly credited and indicates if modifications were made; but the material can’t be used for commercial purposes. The original source has to be included in the reference list. For commercial use of a whole and/or part of a paper, please contact the Office of the Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine.

JPFSM is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).